Friday, February 18, 2011

There are many things that I strive for. Many things that I hope and long to be. Some people tell me that I'm foolish. Some people tell me I'm hopeless. I get judged because I decide against something, and strive for something greater. Especially if I happen to do that four or five times.
There's never anyone with full support. There's always a "negativity" that must be shown.

So I tell my self that I'm being foolish. That I'm making a mistake. But there's no way around I continue on. Only, I keep it to myself. I don't want to share my thoughts and ideas and plans with anyone else. I'll just get shot down. Those opinions don't need to matter though. Because they're not going to help me achieve my goals.

Despite whether or not my ideas and plans are foolish or hopeless or even impossible...I can strive for the perfection, and hope for greatness. Nothing bad is going to come out of working for perfection.

" Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and follow where they lead."

I am my own man. I have my aspirations. The judgments of other people don't matter. I know that I can push myself. I know that God is right beside me. Greatness is mine for the taking.


  1. Greatness IS yours for the taking! Remember last night I half-jokingly sang, "I... Just want... to be... Trevor Sheafer..." Chew on that! ;)

  2. So grab it and fly. I've never doubted you.
